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Committee Members Needed

Published: November 18, 2024

Help make our neighborhood the Best!

Architectural Control Committee – reviews and approves requests from residents seeking to make improvements on their homes such as extending a patio, masonry work and other projects. Two (2) additional committee members are needed. Forms may be found on the Auburndale HOA website.

Social Committee – plans various social activities to promote community spirit and help neighbors get to know one another.

Landscape and Yard Committee - recommends to the Board of what should and should not be in the neighborhood landscapes and may consider neighborhood beautification initiatives.

Communication Committee - seeks to facilitate honest and timely communication, and could make recommendations to improve the HOA website. A periodic newsletter may also be a consideration for this committee.

Ad-Hoc (temporary) Budget Committee - assists the Board in developing next year’s budget and determining the adequacy of the current annual fee.

Please contact the Board of Directors if you are interested in serving on any of these committees.

Auburndale HOA

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